In America, the color of your skin still determines your quality of life
Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter
Educating the Next Generation
Dr. Blackness | Marcus Anthony Hunter is the Scott Waugh Endowed Chair in the Division of the Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at UCLA., coiner of #BlackLivesMatter, and author of four books:
Black Citymakers (How The Philadelphia Negro Changed Urban America),
Chocolate Cities The Black Map of American Life (coauthored with Zandria F. Robinson),
The New Black Sociologists, and Radical Reparations™ forthcoming with Harper Collins (Amistad).
In addition to being the recipient of grants from the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
His research, activism, and commentary have been featured in journals and news media such as CSPAN's BookTV, the Du Bois Review, Current Anthropology, City & Community, Sexuality Research & Social Policy, Talking Points Memo, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times.